Jill Mary Studios

Loving Yourself Starts Early.

Our children’s books and music cultivate connection
to body, nature, magic and more! 


Coming Soon


How To Know if You Are a Fairy

Reminding everyone how far they can fly, a new collaboration with Amanda Lynn & Lady Mags coming August 2020


Available Now


A Tree Named Tree

A Story about what happens when all the animals in the forest try to own a tree named “Tree.”

Learn more about the book HERE

Every Body Be Grateful

A poem teaching children and adults gratitude for their bodies through an interactive goodnight story.

Learn more about the book HERE


The pillars of Jill Mary Studio

The body is beautiful

What we put on our bodies and how we speak to them, matters. Love the skin we are in and treat it as the gift that it is!

Nature is under our protection

Nature is meant to be celebrated and shared. We can give a voice to those who cannot speak up…the trees, animals, plants etc. By loving and being grateful for nature, we can remain in a state of awe and inspiration.

Magic is important

To us, magic is the parts of life we cannot always explain away. We relish in the unknown, the mystery and well, the joy of magic! Active imaginations help us create our own dreams.

Self expression is everything

Cultivating good listening, feeling emotions, witnessing ourselves and others is paramount to self esteem. Belief in oneself gives confidence through life.


I read this to my 2 yr. old nephew as a bedtime story, and he absolutely loves it as he touches his nose, eyes, and ears before he goes to sleep!

Jane C.  |  happy customer
